Results for 'Juliana Paula Squinca'

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  1.  8
    Analysis of manuscripts on ethics in scientific research at Scientific Electronic Library Online.Flavia Squinca, Dirce Guilhem & Juliana Paula Squinca - 2015 - Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética 15 (29-2).
    Ethics in research became a central theme regarding globalization of the scientific development, particularly when related to the socioeconomic conditions of the countries involved as partners in research protocols, production of inputs and of knowledge. The objective of this paper is to analyze the sources of information about ethics in research present at Scientific Electronic Library Online. Methodologically, this is an exploratory study was carried out by the systematic analysis of the literature available. The search engines retrieved 885 summaries, from (...)
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    Verificação de Boas Práticas Em Duas Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição Inseridas Em Dois Municípios Do Rio Grande Do Sul.Bruna Elisa Lenz, Jennifer Backes, Juliana Paula Bruch Bertani & Patricia Fassina - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):62-76.
    The goal of this study was to evaluate and compare the hygienic-sanitary conditions of two Units of Food and Nutrition (UANs) (A and B) located in two municipalities of the Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul, by means of Ordinance No. 78/2009, which established the Checklist of Good Practices for Food Services. This legislation composes a checklist with 153 criteria distributed in 12 categories. Each criterion is endowed with the options "Yes", "No" and "NA" (not applicable), which were marked (...)
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  3. El concepto de “familia” en el derecho colombiano visto a través de las sentencias de la corte constitucional que reconocen derechos de las parejas Del mismo sexo.Juliana Victoria Ríos, Richard Marino Ordoñez & Paula Andrea Ceballos Ruiz - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Motivação de graduandos em Educação Física para capacitação e tutoria em natação adaptada.Juliana Aparecida de Paula Schuller, Lilian Cristina Gomes do Nascimento, Maysa Venturoso Gongora Buckeridge Serra, Paulo de Tarso Nazar, Cléria Maria Lobo Bittar & Maria Georgina Marques Tonello - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Uma das abordagens que estuda o construto da motivação é a teoria da autodeterminação, que discrimina diferentes estilos motivacionais: desmotivação, motivação extrínseca e motivação intrínseca. Este estudoobjetivou identificar motivações de acadêmicos de um curso de Educação Física do estado São Paulo, Brasil, para participarem de uma capacitação em natação para pessoas com deficiência físicas, bem como a motivação para atuação como tutores desse mesmo grupo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram 20 acadêmicos do curso (...)
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    An MRI Study of the Metabolic and Structural Abnormalities in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliana B. De Salles Andrade, Fernanda Meireles Ferreira, Chao Suo, Murat Yücel, Ilana Frydman, Marina Monteiro, Paula Vigne, Leonardo F. Fontenelle & Fernanda Tovar-Moll - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  6.  19
    A Filosofia com adolescentes.Ana Paula Zerbato, Juliana Santos de Souza & Marcela Cecília Porcelli - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar uma experiência de Filosofia com Adolescentes na cidade de Araraquara. Buscamos fazer uma relação entre Filosofia e Adolescência e procuramos mostrar uma forma alternativa de se discutir Filosofia com jovens, diferenciada das propostas que partem da História da Filosofia.
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    A classificação dos animais segundo Aristóteles: recorte histórico e inserção didática.Miceia de Paula Rodrigues & Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo - 2022 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 17 (2):195-218.
    O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a interface História da Biologia - Educação Científica. Apresenta uma síntese de aspectos da classificação dos animais proposta por Aristóteles (384-322 a.C.): uma visão geral do tipo de pesquisa que ele realizou, seus critérios, categorias de classificação e interpretações relacionadas a concepções de mundo específicas. Em livros didáticos de Ciências, a classificação dos seres vivos de Aristóteles costuma ser pouco mencionada, de modo que há uma apresentação de cunho memorístico restrita às ideias de (...)
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    Sex Hormones and Processing of Facial Expressions of Emotion: A Systematic Literature Review.Flávia L. Osório, Juliana M. de Paula Cassis, João P. Machado de Sousa, Omero Poli-Neto & Rocio Martín-Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Games Used With Serious Purposes: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Patients With Cerebral Palsy.Sílvia Lopes, Paula Magalhães, Armanda Pereira, Juliana Martins, Carla Magalhães, Elisa Chaleta & Pedro Rosário - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10.  13
    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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    GeoPartitura: Collective concert with music, image, technology and interactivity.Suzete Venturelli, Claudia Loch, Francisco de Paula Barretto, Gustavo Soares, Juliana Hilário de Sousa, Leonardo Guilherme de Freitas, Ronaldo Ribeiro & Victor Valentim - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):225-231.
    The text describes the research Geopartitura executed by the team MidiaLab Computer art research laboratory, that raises the thought about social artists and urban space. As a work of art it can be considered activist action. As a system, it is composed by software, database, locative media and mobile devices. The work was created to be performed as urban interactive cyberintervention, in order to interact with passers-by, a bias of social inclusion, transforming the urban landscape and its noises, at a (...)
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  12. Not Telling the Truth in the Patient–Physician Relationship.Carlos Henrique Martins Da Silva, Renato Luiz Guerino Cunha, Ronaldo Borges Tonaco, Thúlio Marquez Cunha, Carolina Boaventura Diniz, Gustavo Gontijo Domingos, Juliana Diniz Silva, Marcelo Vitral Vitorino Santos, Melissa Ganam Antoun & Rodrigo Lobato de Paula - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5‐6):417-424.
    ABSTRACT The presence of truth and honesty is a permanent demand, and becomes vital the more committed and intimate a relationship is. Medical practice is relevant to this discussion when one questions whether or not a physician should always tell their patient the truth in the face of a progressive or potentially fatal disease, regarding the diagnosis, outcome, therapy and evolution of the specific disease. From this discussion we aim, with the present report, to look at the truth applicable to (...)
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  13.  16
    The Impact of Adolescents’ Attachment to Peers and Parents on Aggressive and Prosocial Behavior: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study.Paula Vagos & Lénia Carvalhais - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This short-longitudinal study analyzed the cross-sectional and longitudinal pathways linking adolescent’s quality of attachment to parents and peers and their practice of aggressive and prosocial behavior; it also explored the moderation effect of gender on those pathways. A total of 375 secondary school students, aged between 15 and 19 years old, completed the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment and the Peer Experience Questionnaire - Revised twice, within a four-month gap. Using a path analyses approach, results showed that aggression and (...)
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  14. Introductory chapter.Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press.
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  15. Introduction: Forgiveness and Conflict.Paula Satne - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):999-1006.
    The papers collected in this volume are a selection of papers that were presented - or scheduled to be presented - at a workshop entitled Forgiveness and Conflict, which took place from 8-10 September 2014, as part of the Mancept Workshops in Political Theory at the University of Manchester. Some of these contributions are now compiled in this volume. The selected papers draw from different philosophical traditions and conceptual frameworks, addressing many aspects of contemporary philosophical debates on the nature and (...)
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    Filosofia Afro-Brasileira Como Contribuição Formativa Para o Ensino de Filosofia.Antonio Filogenio de Paula Junior - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022013.
    Neste artigo apresentamos uma perspectiva de compreensão da história da filosofia, na qual é possível acessar outros modos de como essa história pode ser interpretada. Nesta perspectiva ocorre a desconstrução epistêmica eurocentrada de legitimação da ideia de um “milagre” grego que permite o surgimento da filosofia nessa região em detrimento a outros lugares. O pressuposto indicado é o da pluriversalidade de Mogobe Ramose (2011) que apresenta a ideia de pensamento reflexivo e crítico como condição humana, independente de local. Em relação (...)
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    Behavioral and Social Science Research.Felice J. Levine & Paula R. Skedsvold - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 336.
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  18.  25
    Factorial Structure of the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale and Sex and Age Invariance.Paula Vagos, Pedro F. S. Rodrigues, Josefa N. S. Pandeirada, Ali Kasaeian, Corina Weidenauer, Carlos F. Silva & Christoph Randler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Online Versus Classroom Teaching: Impact on Teacher and Student Relationship Quality and Quality of Life.Paula Vagos & Lénia Carvalhais - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The student-teacher relationship has been consistently associated to positive and generalized outcomes, though its quality seems to be questioned in online teaching, which in turn has had a negative impact on students and teachers’ wellbeing during school closures forced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The current work compared students and teachers’ perceptions of STR quality and quality of life after online and after classroom teaching, and if STR quality relates with perceived wellbeing across those teaching modalities. Participants were 47 teachers and (...)
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  20.  24
    El acuerdo con las FARC. Una revisión en torno a su utilidad.Paula A. Valencia & Pedro Francés-Gómez - 2019 - Télos 22 (1-2):9-32.
    The article “Diálogos de paz en Colombia: una Mirada desde la justicia del resarcimiento”[1] holds that the end-of-conflict agreement signed by the Colombian government and the FARC does not bring any general utility; specially because of the absolute impunity that Transitional Justice implies. The deal is dubbed “utilitarian”, meaning that the agreement was made in the personal interests of those who intervened in it -Government and guerrilla-. In contrast, this article will defend the general utility of the agreement and show (...)
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  21.  71
    Aristotle on “Nature Does Nothing in Vain”.Paula Gottlieb & Elliott Sober - 2017 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (2):246-271.
    Aristotle’s principle that “nature does nothing in vain” (NDNIV) is central to his teleological approach to understanding organisms. First, we argue that James G. Lennox’s influential account of NDNIV is unsuccessful. Second, we propose an alternative account that includes a natural state model. According to a natural state model of development, an organism will develop toward its natural state unless interfering forces prevent that from happening. Third, we argue that this account also fits Aristotle’s discussion in the Generation of Animals (...)
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  22. Aristotle on Dividing the Soul and Uniting the Virtues.Paula Gottlieb - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3):275-290.
  23.  19
    La memoria y el río. Sobre Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata (2013) de Eduardo Navarro.Iván Wrobel & Paula Bruno Garcén - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e128.
    ¿El agua recuerda? ¿Cómo es posible visualizar y sanar su memoria? En el año 2013 el artista Eduardo Navarro presentó su obra Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata en el Parque de la Memoria - Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, como parte de la exhibición Aquella mañana fue como si recuperara, si no la felicidad, sí la energía, una energía que se parecía mucho al humor, un humor que se parecía mucho a la memoria, bajo la (...)
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  24.  9
    The role of health law, bioethics, and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world.Paula Lobato de Faria (ed.) - 2006 - [Lisbon]: Fundação Luso-Americana.
  25.  13
    Aspectos da Modalidade: A Noção de Possibilidade na Fenomenologia Hermenêutica.María Paula Viglione - 2017 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 43 (2):316-318.
    En este trabajo critico la interpretación moralizada de la obligación política en Hobbes que defiende Luciano Venezia. Exploro una lectura diferente que evita una dicotomía tajante entre las razones prudenciales y las razones morales y subraya en cambio la discontinuidad entre la normatividad subjetiva de la ley natural y la normatividad objetiva de la ley positiva. Sostengo que el contrato de sujeción política establece obligaciones objetivas recién cuando el soberano exige el cumplimiento de los contratos. La obligación política es entonces (...)
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  26.  24
    On the Contributions of Deficent Cognitive Control to Memory Impairments in Depression.Paula T. Hertel - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (5-6):569-583.
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    The suppressive power of positive thinking: Aiding suppression-induced forgetting in repressive coping.Paula Hertel & Leda McDaniel - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (7):1239-1249.
    Participants scoring high and low on a measure of repressive coping style (Mendolia, 2002) first learned a series of related word pairs (cue–target). Half of the cues were homographs. In the subsequent think/no-think phase (Anderson & Green, 2001), they responded with targets on some trials and suppressed thoughts of targets on others. Suppressed targets were always emotionally negative, as were targets associated with baseline cues reserved for the final test. Some participants were provided with emotionally benign or positive substitutes to (...)
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  28.  54
    Treating sensitive topics online: a privacy dilemma.Paula Helm - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (4):303-313.
    This paper aims to provide new insights to debates on group privacy, which can be seen as part of a social turn in privacy scholarship. Research is increasingly showing that the classic individualistic understanding of privacy is insufficient to capture new problems in algorithmic and online contexts. An understanding of privacy as an “interpersonal boundary-control process” (Altman, The environment and social behavior, Brooks and Cole, Monterey, 1975) framing privacy as a social practice necessary to sustain intimate relationships is gaining ground. (...)
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  29.  18
    El Protestantismo ante la Moral.Francisco de Paula Piñero Y. Piñero - 2024 - Isidorianum 2 (4):7-42.
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    Are the virtues remedial?Paula Gottlieb - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (3):343-354.
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    Depressive deficits in word identification and recall.Paula T. Hertel - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (4):313-327.
  32.  20
    Many Rāmāyaṇas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South AsiaRāmāyaṇa and RāmāyaṇasMany Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South AsiaRamayana and Ramayanas.Robert P. Goldman, Paula Richman & Monika Thiel-Horstmann - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (4):605.
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    The Complexity of Socratic Irony: A Note on Professor Vlastos' Account.Paula Gottlieb - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1):278-279.
    Professor Vlastos argues that Socratic irony was responsible for a momentous change in the way in which irony was understood in ancient times. Before Socrates, he argues, irony is connected with lying and deceit, but after Socrates it is associated with wit and urbanity. Vlastos claims that Socratic irony is distinctive and complex. According to Vlastos, Socratic irony involves no hint of deception; it consists simply in saying something which when understood in one way is false, but when understood in (...)
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  34. Two Types of Weak Determiners: Evidence from Spanish.Paula MenÉNdez-Benito - unknown
    Weak determiners have both a presuppositional and a non presuppositional reading. Two ways of accounting for this fact have been proposed. The Ambiguity Approach (Partee 1989, Diesing 1992, de Hoop 1992) posits that weak determiners are ambiguous. The Pragmatic Approach (Büring 1996) claims that we do not need to postulate an ambiguity in the semantics: the presuppositional reading arises as a result of presuppositions triggered by topic/focus marking. In this paper we explore the possibility that both theories are needed. We (...)
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    Luis Alberto de Boni. Filosofia medieval. Textos. Porto alegre, edipucrs, 2000, 418p.Paula Oliveira E. Silva - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):489-491.
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  36. Introduction.Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões (eds.), Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Beyond positive or negative: variability in daily parent-adolescent interaction quality is associated with adolescent emotion dysregulation.Erika M. Manczak, Paula J. Ham, Rebecca N. Sinard & Edith Chen - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):840-847.
    ABSTRACTPrevious work on the contribution of family environments to adolescent emotion dysregulation has tended to focus on broad parenting characteristics ; however, it is possible that day-to-day variability in parenting may also relate to emotion dysregulation. The current study sought to test whether inconsistency in the quality of daily parent-youth interactions related to multiple indices of emotion dysregulation in adolescents. Two-hundred-twenty-two adolescents participated with one parent. Adolescents completed 14-days of diary reporting on the quality of interactions with their parent and (...)
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    El cooperativismo en la "Mater et Magistra".Francisco de Paula Puy Muñoz - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2 (2):377-383.
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    Sacramental Swallow.Nancy M. Rourke & Paula Leslie - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (2):253-262.
    This paper contributes to our understanding of participation in the Eucharist by examining the swallow. The paper begins with a thick description of the swallow as act, as phenomenon, and as symbol. This description reveals the swallow’s interstitial nature, which is then examined for its implications on the meaning of participation in the sacrament. The paper then recommends approaches to the Eucharist for Catholics for whom swallowing is difficult or impossible. The paper finally incorporates these findings with the ex opere (...)
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  40. Viaje al centro del marasmo = Reise zum mittelpunkt des stillstands.Idalia Sautto & Maria Paula Laguna - 2022 - In Idalia Sautto, Laguna Trujillo, Maria Paula, Manuel Bueno Botello & Savannah Beck (eds.), Blickwinkel: marasmo. Ciudad de México: Goethe-Institut Mexiko.
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    O INSTANTE nº 01, de Søren Aabye Kierkegaard.Álvaro Luiz Montenegro Valls & Marcio Gimenes de Paula - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 1 (1).
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  42. El lugar de la teología y sus derivas en la temporalidad: un contrapunto entre los escritos de Martin Heidegger y Walter Benjamin en la década del veinte.Maria Paula Viglione - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):51-76.
    En las últimas décadas, se han incrementado los estudios críticos acerca del vínculo entre el pensamiento de Martin Heidegger y de Walter Benjamin. Este trabajo intenta contribuir a este debate desde la perspectiva de la teología, problematizando su relación con la filosofía, su rol metodológico y sus derivas en la subjetividad en los escritos de la década del veinte de Heidegger y Benjamin. Este punto problemático al nivel de sus consideraciones teológicas permite conducir el análisis hacia la cuestión de la (...)
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    Aristotle's Ethical Egoism.Paula Gottlieb - 1996 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77 (1):1-18.
    Abstract:Accepting the controversial thesis that Aristotle is an ethical egoist, I argue that Aristotle's brand of ethical egoism is immune to four important objections to such a position. I analyse the causes of the four objections showing (a) that Aristotle does not have a conception of happiness which would give rise to the first three, and (b) that his account of practical reasoning, of which I provide an original interpretation, can deal with the fourth.
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    Meet-Combination of Consequence Systems.Paula Gouveia, João Rasga & Cristina Sernadas - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-36.
    We extend meet-combination of logics for capturing the consequences that are common to both logics. With this purpose in mind we define meet-combination of consequence systems. This notion has the advantage of accommodating different ways of presenting the semantics and the deductive calculi. We consider consequence systems generated by a matrix semantics and consequence systems generated by Hilbert calculi. The meet-combination of consequence systems generated by matrix semantics is the consequence system generated by their product. On the other hand, the (...)
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    Aristotle and the Virtues.Paula Gottlieb - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (2):258-260.
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    Aristotle’s measure doctrine and pleasure.Paula Gottlieb - 1993 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 75 (1):31-46.
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    A new stoicism.Paula Gottlieb - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):92-94.
    The aim of Becker’s book is to bring stoicism up to date and to defend a contemporary stoic ethical theory against the prejudices of the skeptical modern reader. Becker imagines what would have happened if stoicism had had a continuous history from ancient times to the present. Since the stoics are thoroughgoing naturalists, according to Becker, they would have incorporated the insights of modern biology and psychology into their theory. They would have abandoned their teleological view of the universe and (...)
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  48. Aristotle's 'Nameless' Virtues.Paula Gottlieb - 1994 - Apeiron 27 (1):1 - 15.
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    My son/daughter beyond the suicidal: search for meaning of life.Paula Guimarães Guerreiro, Andrea Seixas Magalhães & Mayla Cosmo Monteiro - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):42-59.
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    José Saramago: from reality to utopia. Man as where it happens.Ana Paula Arnaut - 2014 - Cultura:171-190.
    Partindo de alguns textos fundadores do conceito de ‘utopia’, pretendemos pôr em evidência que, no caso de José Saramago, em regra, a procura de uma (im)possível sociedade livre e perfeita assume contornos de tonalidades diversas. O desejo de cenários diferentes daqueles em que vivemos, mais justos e fraternos, não acarreta, necessariamente, a ideia de deslocalização ou de relocalização espacial implicada nas tradicionais utopias. Pelo contrário, cremos que o ideal utópico saramaguiano (numa perspectiva de leitura cuja subjectividade assumimos) supõe uma busca (...)
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